Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 07:55 PM
Posted by Administrator
Yes, 2010 is just about behind us. Just 4 more days to go. Not much going on other than trying to get hours in on a project and starting some planning for the 2011 Connect OpenVMS Boot Camp.Posted by Administrator
Yes, I said it, OpenVMS Boot Camp! I can not say enough about the fact that I am happy to see Connect working to get the Boot Camp up and running this year. Sue Skonetski and the entire Program Committee should be commended for their efforts to relaunch this well respected event under Connect's auspices. The 2010 event was well received and its success has convinced Connect that it is appropriate to move forward with the 2011 Boot Camp.
I have no details as to the exact when or specific where as far as the event. I do know that it will be held in the September timeframe once again - it conflicts least with other HP events then. The general location is New England - sorry, no more detail than that for now - I wish I knew myself. More details will be coming out over the next few weeks.
Just sit back and relax and enjoy the fact that we are going to continue to have a Boot Camp event this coming year.
Please make sure to start putting this into your schedule and budget so you can attend and also participate!
As soon as we can we will get a call for papers site established and then publicize that and other information.
I have already had conversations with OpenVMS product management and they are looking forward to presenting at the Boot Camp. They are looking to emphasize migration to I64 and intend to focus many of their presentations in that direction.
If you have any thoughts, comments or requests I look forward to them. Your contributions and suggestions help make the Boot Camp the BEST OpenVMS event of the year!
Have a Happy New Year!