New PCSI kits for Curl and ZLIB 
Monday, July 6, 2015, 03:53 PM
Posted by Administrator
Curl 7.43, ZLIB 1.2.8e1 PCSI kits should now install on VSI VMS releases.

Curl 7.43 is now available for VMS including the VSI VMS releases. It requires ZLIB 1.2.8e1 PCSI kit to also be installed.

This is the current release of Curl for all platforms.

This build of Curl will use the SSL, Kerberos and LDAP that are installed on current versions of VMS by default.

Curl provides a 32 bit libcurl shared image and while Curl installs in the same directory tree as GNV, it does not require GNV to be installed.

Curl detects when running under GNV or DCL and automatically adjusts itself to the desired mode.

Download location is:
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June 2015 Open Source on OpenVMS Conference Call notes available. 
Monday, July 6, 2015, 03:35 PM
Posted by Administrator
Just a note to let you know that the note and recording of the June 2015 conference call are available.

You can find them on: ... ll_topics/

If you have not noticed various announcements there have been some updates which have recently been made available to components of GNV. You can find them here:

Updates are available for GAWK, SED and LD_TOOLS (C/C++ wrappers and the LINKER among others).

We expect an update to BASH in the near future.

Additionally, the next conference call is scheduled for 16 July 2015 @ 08:00 EDT.

The conference call code is: 806370795

Join by phone:

• USA - 1-855-493-4983
• Netherlands - 0800-020-5949
• New Zealand - 0800-447-462
• Sweden - 020-120-10-10
• UK - 0800-0-260-370
• India - 1860-266-0131

OR see 15 January 2015 notes for telephone number list..

We look forward to hearing you on the call.

Bill and the rest of the Open Source on OpenVMS Community.

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Home again... 
Saturday, July 4, 2015, 07:12 PM
Posted by Administrator
Well, the last two week has had me up and down the length of California. It was not for business but for family and friends.

Spent time with my Mother. We gave her a trip to see family and friends as a combined Christmas and Birthday Gift. She loved it. And I must admit I enjoyed it, too.

We met family we had not seen before, a cousin's daughter who is finishing college - it has been a while since we visited some of the family. We also met a nephew's wife and daughter whom we had not yet had the chance to meet.

Glad to be home and now looking to get some work done before I head to Austin at the end of the month for some work with a client. I hope to get some OpenVMS Cluster nodes built and operational and get back to Open Source on OpenVMS development and support.

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Back on the Air!!! 
Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 11:08 PM
Posted by Administrator
Well, after several moves to new and different servers due to some issues with old interfaces and email problems we are back online finally. And then we found some unwanted code courtesy of "Who Knows" which had to be cleaned up.

Many things have happened over the last few months.

VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) has launched VSI OpenVMS Version 8.4-1H1! This is great news to the VMS Community. Congratulations to Eddie, Clair and the rest of the folks at VSI!

The Connect OpenVMS 2015 Boot Camp has been announced (28-30 September 2015) at the Radisson Nashua, in Nashua, New Hampshire. For those who did not get to a Boot Camp until recently this was the "original" home of the Boot Camp.

There is also a Pre-Conference Seminar on Sunday, 27 September 2015. The title for the Pre-Con is "Security and OpenVMS".

And the Call For Papers is also open - get your slot to present your favorite new work or interesting find to the Community. You also get a discount on the Boot Camp fee!!!

Hope to see you all there!

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Oracle OpenVMS Database Technical Forum Reminder! 
Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 12:38 AM
Posted by Administrator
Dear Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS Customers,

The North American Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS Technical Forums are almost here! If you plan to join us either in person or as a remote attendee and you have not yet registered, you can do so now at: ... index.html]

The dates and locations for the North American Forums are:

October 2-3, 2014

Oracle Network Drive Campus
1 Network Drive
Burlington, MA,

October 6-7, 2014

350 Oracle Pkwy (Oracle Conference Center)
Redwood Shores, CA,

Agenda Now Available Online:

We will be following the same agenda for both the Burlington and Redwood Shores events. To see the full agenda go to: ... 94563.html

Note that the Burlington Forum will be held the same week as the Connect OpenVMS Bootcamp in Bedford, MA which is a short driving distance to the Oracle Network Drive Campus. The Bootcamp begins on Monday, September 29th and ends on Wednesday, October 1st. The Forum begins on Thursday, October 2nd. We will be presenting an Oracle session at the Bootcamp, however, to get an in-depth understanding of the latest Oracle related developments on OpenVMS we highly recommend that you attend the Forum as well.

Remote Attendance:

Even if you feel it is too late for you to make travel arrangements for Burlington or Redwood Shores, it isn’t too late for you to join us remotely. Remote attendees will be sent information needed to join us in a live online Forum web conference. To receive this information, just send an email to after you have registered to tell us that you will be attending remotely. You are then welcome to attend any or all sessions at either event.

Time is Running Out for North American Registration, Act Today! :

These Forums are offered at no charge and present a series of sessions conducted by acknowledged technical specialists from our development staff and the Oracle Rdb and Oracle Database on OpenVMS community at large. They should be considered a requirement for anyone wishing to remain up-to-date with all the latest enhancements and optimizations in either of these two product families.

We are very excited to be bringing the 2014 Technical Forums to you. I hope you will be able to join us.

Best Regards,

Kevin Duffy

Senior Director, Software Development
Oracle Rdb
Oracle Database on OpenVMS

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