Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 11:27 PM
Posted by Administrator
Just after the middle of June I started a discussion on on the following topic:Posted by Administrator
How do we expand OpenVMS to new environments? How do we attract companies to use OpenVMS? How would you get more young people interested in this environment rather than Windows and *nix?
Click on the above headline to go to the discuss. You will have to join the OpenVMS Community Group on but you should find the comments and energy encouraging.
This has been a fairly successful discussion and has reach the point where we are starting to pull things together so we can establish goals and have an action plan and create some real improvements in the OpenVMS Community. This is a copy of a recent post on that discussion:
Like any significant endeavor this program has many different levels of interaction and complexity. Yes, this is a program, not a project. Multiple independent but inter-related projects within the effort as we move forward. Delineating these efforts and breaking them down will then aid us in focusing on moving forward.
I started trying to convince HP their implementation of OpenVMS Evangelism was not properly focused and as I have been pushing this for a while in the background I am willing to take the lead on this. I look to those with close, special relationships within HP and other companies to act as our liaisons and provide either introduction to right people or take on efforts to bring each entity into the fold as we move forward.
As Michelle has pointed out this is multi-leveled in terms of communication. Taking her breakdown and expanding on it:
1. C level management and Board members
- Primary Goal: name recognition for OpenVMS and its strengths
2. IT management
- Primary Goal: educate on why they should choose OpenVMS
3. ISVs
- Primary Goal: why they should develop and/or
support their products on OpenVMS
4. Open Source Developers
- Primary Goal: why they should include OpenVMS
as a supported platform /
benefits of native OpenVMS operation
5. Practitioners / OpenVMS Enthusiasts
- Primary Goal: education and resources
to be volunteer ambassadors
6. Potential practitioners / OpenVMS Enthusiasts
- Primary Goal: introduction to / hands on OpenVMS
7. Students
- Primary Goal: introduction to /
hands on OpenVMS /
lowering the average age of the OpenVMS Community
That said we need to consider how we move forward with this effort. I have been discussing with some the idea of a need for a centralized site dedicated to OpenVMS that is accurate, up-to-date, thorough, and easy to navigate which presents the following:
Open Source
Open Source
Open Source tools to aid implementation/porting
of open source code to OpenVMS
User stories - SUCCESS STORIES
White Papers
Best Practices
WHY OpenVMS vs ...
Marketing communications resources
In other words, create a site that runs entire gamut of what, where, how, who, why, when, why not, which of OpenVMS.
The site that seems to make the most sense as far as a starting point is It already has a certain amount of name recognition and is a perfect starting point.
I am proposing a WIKI oriented approach here. Get the community involved QUICKLY. One difference is we need a mechanism so the owner of the product or service can CLAIM the page and lock it down. The owner can get involved and maintain this resource to most accurately and thoroughly reflect their product or service. ANYONE could go to this site and find out about applications or services on OpenVMS. I have looked at some wiki engines and currently think a good starting point is the TWIKI engine. It has a good structuring mechanism and many extensions/plugins and should be able to be enhanced to fulfill our requirements. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
This site then becomes a mechanism of communication and the focusing of the OpenVMS effort. There is nothing that says the wiki could not also be used to provide coordination on the project. Documentation and coordination are the basis of the wiki anyway.
With this first step we can then start getting an idea of how someone might configure a "base" environment for SMBs using OpenVMS as a foundation - tool for introduction into that spectrum.
We need to start developing the breakdown of how we work to accomplish each of the areas we have identified as areas needing focus. I do not see any specific tool needed here at present.
I would like to keep this as much out in the open as possible. I want to see the support of organizations such as HP Connect and the OpenVMS SIG but I also want to make sure we keep it easy for people to participate. Even is a bit of "club" but it offered a forum that was easy to use as a starting point and had a decent exposure. I have started a blog on my website: I will cross post this entry as a start.
I personally am working on the education aspects of OpenVMS. More on what we are doing here as we move forward and finish some development and start some new initiatives.
Please keep involved and keep bringing the new, good, ideas to the table!