Sunday, June 28, 2009, 12:53 PM
Posted by Administrator
I started a discussion on recently where I asked others to explore how we could break down the barriers of adoption of VMS as an application platform. Some of the comments have been enlightening.Posted by Administrator
There has been the belief that VMS is in maintenance mode. This is far from the fact but is part of the FUD that needs to be dispelled to help all who support and depend on the VMS environment for their livelihood.
Another set of comments has focused on the lack of developer exposure to VMS while in college or other training. A fairly easy, but long term issue to resolve by once again pushing to get VMS in front of students. HP and its VMS predecessors have had the Educational Licensing Program in place for a long time - but not much marketing behind it to push to product into the arena. Many people are unaware of the this program.
Still more comments on the idea that VMS is just too good. No hordes of support and development personnel - unlike much of its competition. If this is the case then the managers of the organization are not pushing their pencils very effectively to see the TCO for VMS is generally lower than any other solution.
And of course then there is the application issue. VMS has been losing applications each time it has been migrated to a new platform. When Alpha was introduced fewer applications were there than on VAX. Now with the Itanium/Integrity platform fewer applications still. It is not that the migration of the applications should be difficult, it just that it appears management must think that the customers do not want the applications on the platform and then do not migrate them and they fall behind.
So, now the discussion needs to be how do we get more applications available on the platform - FAST?
I do not think I have the answer to this yet. If I did I would expect HP or others would be beating a path to my door. As we explore this I will report back. Or, better yet, go to the discussion and comment yourself.
VMS is too good of an environment to wither. More exposure by more people is one of the keys to moving it forward.
Spread the word.
Train the people.
Implement the solutions.