Thursday, June 11, 2009, 09:02 PM
Posted by Administrator
We are starting this blog to keep you informed of our efforts to push OpenVMS forward and out of the stagnant position it is in both within Hewlett Packard (HP) as well as in the world of IT in general.Posted by Administrator
The cry is NOT "VMS is dead, LONG LIVE VMS!" But more appropriately, LONG LIVE VMS! It is the BEST EVER!.
We want to emphasize that we are not part of HP, BUT we are strong supporters of VMS and want to see it succeed and grow as the best development and computing environment available for most any application - not just the business critical applications.
A bit about myself, Bill Pedersen. I am a self admitted "VMS Bigot". I have been around VMS since before it was released. NO, I was not part of the development team. I was customer in the mid-1970s when VMS was just being thought of and had minor input as far as requirements from a scientific prospective. I was at the University of Washington at the time in the Department of Oceanography and was the project manager for a "portable" computer system we used at see. Portable meant we had a computer room we built inside a 20 foot shipping container we loaded on the ship and took to see - PDP-11/45s and such.
When VMS was announced in San Diego at the Fall 1977 DECUS Conference I ported a user mode application while at the conference - Chess-11. Possibly the first user application ported to VMS.
Since then I have worked for DIGITAL, run my own consulting company with many customers, participated in several startups, run a Vermont Country Inn and many other things. I still PUSH VMS. I still work with it. I also work with other systems and environments but VMS IS the BEST!
You might note that I do not always say OpenVMS. Open is silent most of the time when I talk about this environment. I have been around it way to long to worry about the full name. And in ways think that the "Open" should be dropped. It has caused too much confusion along the way - complaints about people thinking VMS is open source - which is not - and therefore should be "cheap". Well, VMS is not cheap, it is not as expensive as it used to be but...
I look forward to many more contributions to this blog and also look forward to discussions with others as they comment on my blog and other activities I discuss.