Monday, February 15, 2010, 01:20 AM
Posted by Administrator
Ever since we were informed of the planned OpenVMS Month by Connect Worldwide in LATE January 2010 we have been scrambling to pull together events, webinars and webcasts which we thought might be of interest to you, the OpenVMS Community. This effort has been driven by a handful of people from the User Community and the Vendor Community to date. As we move forward we are looking to include more vendors and more end users in the process. The central team that has been coordinating this effort has been Michelle Popejoy, Connect OpenVMS SIG; John Apps, HP OpenVMS Ambassador; and myself.Posted by Administrator
So far this month we have seen the introduction of the Itanium Tukwila or Itanium 9300, depending on your preference. We have had the HP OpenVMS Technology Webinar on GNV and the announcement of OpenVMS Open Source development systems from the HP Office of OpenVMS Programs. Keith Parris and Colin Butcher have presented webinars on clustering and networking respectively. Also, eCube Systems presented a webinar on application modernization utilizing their NXTware Eclipse based development environment. All this and we are just half way through the month. And, yes, some of these presentations we have had not a single thing to with but they have fit our schedule for OpenVMS Month nicely - Thank You, Hewlett-Packard!.
Well to be honest we are not even half way through, as we decided to stretch the OpenVMS Month into March. We had to do this to fit in some very special webinars and events that as of yet we can not announce centering on OpenVMS Version 8.4. Keep watching this space for more information about those sessions.
In the mean time let us tell you about the other events coming in the weeks and months to come. Yes, months as well! Besides all this we are working on developing a regularly scheduled webinar series specifically targeted at the OpenVMS Community.
Between now and the end of February we have as many as TEN webinar sessions available which should be of interest to you in the OpenVMS Community. Most of these events are listed on the Connect Worldwide calendar. These include:
17 February 08:30 GMT and 15:30 GMT, two webinar sessions HP OpenVMS Technology Webinar #5. Presented by HP Office of OpenVMS Programs in conjunction with ISV CipherSoft, Inc. This webinar will concentrate on the modernization of older Oracle Forms oriented applications on VMS to newer implementations utilizing Oracle, Java and other technologies on OpenVMS. This then allows for utilization of currently supported products and migration to newer, more powerful processors and systems.
18 February 15:00 GMT, Attunity will present "Change Data Capture - Reducing ETL Load Times" Allan Mitchell and Ian Archibald will discuss Oracle-CDC for SSIS.
18 February 17:00 GMT, Connect Worldwide presents the webinar "Low Latency, High Throughput, Durable, RESTful, Open, Standards, ...: What is Messaging, where does it Fit, What does it Today?" Pieter Hintjens & Martin Sustrik from iMatix and Brett Cameron from Hewlett-Packard discuss ZeroMQ (0MQ), AMQP (OpenAMQ) and RestMS.
19 February 15:00 GMT and 22:00 GMT, two webinar sessions presented by Connect Worldwide. Rob Eulenstein of the HP Customer Support Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado will present "Introduction to Crash Dump Analysis for OpenVMS Alpha"
22 February 18:00 GMT, Connect Worldwide presents "OpenVMS Integrity Migrations - Real World Experiences" with Brad McCusker of Software Concepts International, LLC.
23 February 17:00 GMT, Attunity will present "OpenVMS – Keep it. Modernize it. Integrate it." with the assistance of John Apps, HP OpenVMS Ambassador. John and Attunity's Richard Thomas will share their experiences with real examples and case studies covering web and legacy application integration, data integration and operational reporting and BI.
23 February 17:00 GMT, HP Technology Services is offering "Blade Basics Fundamentals Overview" This 1-hour webinar is designed with new C7000 blade system administrators in mind. We will address hardware basics and review the Firmware Matrix. A free one hour on-line seminar. (note - this webinar will also be on 26 April 2010) More information at:
24 February - we are hoping for a webinar on HP Availability Manager - more as soon as we have it.
26 February - we are hoping for a webinar on "Extreme Encryption" - more as soon as we have it.
So now we have made it through February, as you can see we have lot of things happening in the next two weeks.
In March we have even more:
2 March 04:00 GMT, HP Virtual Conference - Cloud: Practical Advice for Taking the Next Steps (APJ Event). This free, one-day virtual conference explores the cloud and how you can take advantage of cloud services and technologies. To register:;F:APIUTILS!51004&PageID=C930A24D-31F2-4F80-B8B4-A297BC54488B&TrackingCode=FBNB
3 March - we anticipate the HP Office of OpenVMS Programs will host their OpenVMS Technology Webinar #6. We have no details here yet but will announce them when they become available.
3 March 13:00 GMT, HP Virtual Conference - Cloud: Practical Advice for Taking the Next Steps (EMEA Event). This free, one-day virtual conference explores the cloud and how you can take advantage of cloud services and technologies. To register:;F:APIUTILS!51004&PageID=CA15EE06-823B-49F0-BF50-C46AF5F35022&TrackingCode=FBNB
3 March 17:00 GMT, HP Technology Services offers a Technical On-Line Seminar on "OpenVMS File System Performance and Dynamic Volume Expansion". You have to have a HP Proactive Software Support Contract to attend this one! (note - this event also repeated on 14 April 2010) More details at:
4 March 15:00 GMT, HP Virtual Conference - Cloud: Practical Advice for Taking the Next Steps (Americas Event). This free, one-day virtual conference explores the cloud and how you can take advantage of cloud services and technologies. To register:;F:APIUTILS!51004&PageID=0218E76F-A598-4C67-84AA-964769EB7F51&TrackingCode=FBNB
17 March - we anticipate the HP Office of OpenVMS Programs will host their OpenVMS Technology Webinar #7. We have no details here yet but will announce them when they become available.
24 March 15:00 GMT and 22:00 GMT, two webinar sessions presented by Connect Worldwide. Rob Eulenstein of the HP Customer Support Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado will present "Introduction to Crash Dump Analysis for OpenVMS I64"
24 March 17:00 GMT, HP Technology Services is offering "HP Energy Efficiency Analysis (EEA)" The identification, analysis and optimization of data center power use is required when attempting to implement energy conservation measures. A free one hour on-line seminar. More information at:
And there is even more in APRIL! The OpenVMS "traveling roadshow" aka OpenVMS Technical Update Days are coming in April to Chicago (5/6 April), Dallas (8/9 April), New York (15/16 April) and Washington, DC (12/13 April). Registration is not yet available but our understanding is it will be by the end of February. More on these items and more events for March and April as soon as we have information on them - including a special OVMS 8.4 event.
Mark your calendars! Attend a webinar, or three!
As we move forward if there are topics you want to talk about or a topic you want to learn about or a topic you think would be of interest to others in the OpenVMS Community please contact us at so we can work on arranging this for you.
Keep spreading the word - USE and SELL OpenVMS Solutions!
Until later...
Michelle, John and Bill.